Honey I Kicked the Kids

Honey I Kicked the Kids is a game jam game created for the AIE winter Jam, 2019. The theme of the jam was "Disruption". This jam began unusually as each student had the opportunity to pitch a game proposal to the entire school. Teams would then be formed under the flag of the group declared successful submissions. When thinking about the prompt, I mulled over a series of ideas but went with my first. I would pitch a game about an old man, trying to remove disrupting children from his home, that just so happens to have a playground built around it. If the old man cannot remove them before sundown, his wife will freak and a game over will ensue. Alot of people thought this idea was funny, and I was able to quickly assemble a team of peers.
If you would like to kick a kid click the link below. I promise I won't tell anyone
Honey I kicked the kids was a simple concept but required a decent amount of working parts to come together. This was a 2D hoarde management game. The player would control the old man and do what they can to prevent too many kids from playing near his house, and thusly keep the noise levels below a threshold. He would do this by kicking nearby children or shooting children with a tennis ball from the end of his cane. The player would need to use the sounds of kid's laughter to determine where the greatest source of them was and take out the bulk with a well-placed kick. Child kicking aside, I learned a lot from this project. Firstly it helped me become much more confident in my abilities as a leader. Because I pitched the idea, I controlled the vision and got to fulfill the roles I wanted. Outside of that, I got valuable experience in team communication and finding the fun. We originally had a bunch of additional ideas for the project, but realized that it was mostly fun to just kick kids, and occasionally trickshot them. We diverted all of our attention to that and created a cute little experience. This game was fun to make and helped me further bond with some of my classmates. Definitely one for the record books.