Bad Luck Roller

If you want to see our horrible, yet amazing submission video click the link below. No, you don't get to play the game silly...
Bad Luck Roller Galactic Craps was my first game jam game, hosted by the Seattle Indies. The theme of the jam was, "Intentionally Broken". On this project, I worked as a Designer, Programmer, and Level Designer. I created the level layout and mechanical relations. This jam was not pretty at all but is still an amazing memory.
While the execution of Bad Luck Roller was less than perfect, its concept still deserves an explanation. The player is a billionaire alien named Dode(a dodecahedron). Dode is ill must get rid of their wealth as quickly as possible so that their jerk son doesn't get his hands his wealth. The best way to do this is at the intergalactic craps table obviously! The problem however is that Dode is rich because they have impeccable luck. In order to lose a roll in craps(ignoring the actual rules) the player must reduce their luck by doing a bunch of things that are said to bring on bad luck. These are things like pouring salt on the table, having a black cat cross your path, etc. The only way to bring on bad luck is to hit specific objects with your die, and hopefully accrue enough bad luck to not win when the die stops flying around the room. If the player gets a 7 (which is a loss in craps) they win the level and can continue destroying their wealth. The gameplay of Bad Luck Roller was designed to be chaotic and systems interactions based. The postmortem of this project taught me a valuable lesson about simplicity in design, and gave me a good laugh.