Aithin's Ascension

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Aithin's Ascension is a Game Jam game created over the course of a weekend at the Global Game Jam. The theme of the jam was, "Repair". I worked with a wonderful team and created a unique title that we were all proud of. Whilst working on Aithin's Ascension I acted as one of the designers. I concocted the mechanics and their relations, as well as created level layouts designed to suit each of the game's four upgrade types. Lastly, I spent a good amount of time playing the role of a backup programmer. I grew a lot during this Jam, most notably in crunching with a larger than recommended team. The most important benefit of this jam was the friends we made along the way! (quite cheesy)
Aithin's Ascension is a 2D platformer designed to play like a single screen Metroidvania. The player character, Aithin, has crash-landed on an island in the sky whilst making his way to get his flying wings. In order to continue his quest, he must 'repair' his ship by acquiring each of the four broken off-ship pieces. Each ship piece is located beyond a platforming challenge that the player must traverse. Each of the pieces, while held, acts as a powerup. This is crucial as the only way the player can return to their ship at the central island is with that challenge's piece. This means that the levels must be designed so that the player may make it to the object without an upgrade, must require the upgrade in order to return, and returning with the upgrade must still be a challenge. The catch however is that the player may keep acquired items in order to help them complete the other challenges. This is a risk as if they were to die, they would lose that item, as a punishment for not bringing it to their ship. These items are Double Jump Boots, a Hookshot, a Glider, and a Nimbus Cloud. To add to the threat of holding onto multiple items, we would spawn a single "Harpy" obstacle to plague the player for each held item. After returning with all of the items, the player would then ride the ship to their wing challenge and utilize all four upgrades to complete it and win the game! This game description could not be done justice without a big explanation so I hope that all made sense! If not reach out to me (;